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From Habits to Ceremonies


As we approach the Autumn Equinox, we’re taking a moment to reflect on our habits at S/G during this seasonal transition. It’s cardinal for us to incorporate mindful behaviors and practices so that these habits turn to rituals, and our rituals become lifelong self-ceremonies. When we mindfully practice our habits, that’s when they turn into rituals.

And we totally get it — the word “ceremony” can seem intimidating or immediately associated with time, money and resources that may not come so effortlessly to us on a daily basis. But we’re here to say it doesn’t have to be! 

Here are some no-cost (and little time!) steps to exchange those habits for rewarding rituals:


Set the stage and create the environment you want to inhabit. Place the book you’ve been meaning to read on your bedside table so you actually pick it up. Make your overnight oats while you’re cleaning up dinner. Schedule a 15 minute break on your calendar so you actually take that walk. 

Preparing your environment for your future self is the ultimate gift of mindfulness and will support follow-through.


Find out when you’re most productive, or what time of day you know you know a break is needed. If you’re a morning person, make the most of that time and center your rituals during those hours. Wake up a few minutes early and enjoy your coffee in solitude. Read a couple pages of that new book. Work some gua sha into your routine. 

If you’re practicing restful rituals, like meditating or taking an energizing nap (keep it under 30 min), align those during times you know you’ll need a break throughout the day.


We all procrastinate. Sometimes our to-do list is difficult, unpleasant, or straight up stressful. Getting the “annoying” things out of the way lends to an easier day as you move through it. Try working with an intentional state of mind so you have the power to finish those harder tasks and work toward easier and more rewarding ones. 

The hardest part is starting; we know you’ve got what it takes!


Build tiny moments of change into your life so you don’t get too overwhelmed. It doesn’t have to be a life-changing, ground-breaking task. Think of these habits as a long-term investment for where you’d like to end up. Want to get outside? Take a 10 minute walk during your lunch break. Have you been meaning to try meditation? Pull up a 3 minute video and give it a go. 

Prioritizing your time and carving out small but meaningful pockets during the day will help you get to where you want to be going.


Give yourself some grace. Turning a habit into a ritual is not meant to be a chore. There will be days where you don’t get around to it or can’t make time for yourself and that’s okay!

Finding a ceremony that gives you a moment of pause should be enjoyable and something you want to revisit.


Looking to make a change? Our Product Experts are here to help. Stop by our shops, or use our LiveChat feature to ask us any questions about our favorite self-ceremonies and why it’s working for us!

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