The Top 6 Boosters We're Grabbing for Post-Election Self Care

The Blog
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If there's one thing I've learned in's the power of cultivating a calming and supportive presence at home. Nothing like nine months of working, exercising, virtually socializing, and living all within the same four walls to make me appreciate the effect that things like light, herbal supplements, and small daily rituals can have on my emotional well-being.
This past week (and the previous few, thanks to those who voted early!), called for us to practice the patience and immense amounts of hope to get us through this historic election season. And after a marathon year like this, we're not blaming you for feeling drained and depleted. So now? It's evermore important that we care for ourselves – body, mind and soul – in order to sustain our strength and energy to continue fighting the GOOD fight for an equitable, safe, and just future for all.
In need of a *boost* to keep your self care game going strong? Keep reading to learn about our top#BODYBOOST-ing tools that help foster the motivation and critical wellness practices necessary to keep our head above water during the final days of this *quite* memorable year.

1. Goop 'The Martini" Emotional Detox Bath Soak'

After the major mobilizing, waiting, and pending results from the past few days, I think it goes without saying that we are all in need of anemotional detox . Long soaks in the tub are a great way to get grounded in your body, spend some time electronic-free, and reconnect with your spirit. This detoxifying Himalayan pink salt soak from Goop is specially formulated with Chia Seed Oil, Rosemary, and Vetiver to help take the edge off these unprecedented times and high tensions. Just add 1 cup to running warm water, soak for at least 20 minutes, and step out feeling more emotionally prepared to take on the world.

2. Sun Potion 'Yin Power'

A #shopgoodgang longstanding favorite and for good reason! This powdered formula is simply *packed* with the most nourishing, organic, wildcrafted adaptogens and herbs such as Ashwagandha, Reishi, and Astragalus. We're always reaching for this baby when we're in need of harmony and support on adeep level . If your nervous system is in need of some replenishing Yin energy to support the long fight for equality and the work that needs to be done for a better future, then just add 1 teaspoon to a liquid of your choice such as a tea latte, smoothies, coffee, etc. to instantly feel added assistance.

3. Vitruvi 'Lavender Essential Oil'

Essentials oils have been known to not only stir up emotional and mental responses from our brains, but also physical reactions in our bodies. These highly concentrated plant compounds have been used for thousands of years to support all kinds of emotional, physical and mental healing. Just add a few drops of this organic Lavender Essential Oil into your diffusor and feel the calming, soothing scent wash over you. -- *now that sounds heavenly, doesn't it?*

4. Golde 'Original Turmeric Superfood Latte Blend'

During these historic and monumental times, we need stress + immune support and anti-inflammatory wellness tools as much as we can get. This blend by BIWOC-owned Golde is a truly *super* latte offering powerful plant players like Turmeric, Coconut, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom and Black Pepper. Best part is, it's totally caffeine free so you can reach for another comforting cup without inviting added jitters and anxiety.

5. Berlin Skin 'Matcha Mask'

Did you know that stress can affect our skin by increasing oil production, inviting pesky pimples, and increasing sensitivity? The last thing we need added to the ferocity of the past week is skin woes. This weekend, we invite you to pamper yourself with your favorite soothing mask. For me, that's this antioxidant rich Matcha Mask by Berlin Skin. Renewing, protective, and moisturizing, this anti-inflammatory and vanilla-scented dream is everything we need right now.

6. Wooden Spoon Herbs 'Anxiety Ally'

The entire focus ofthis month's Body Boost theme , is to highlight the ways we cansimply andeasily incorporate daily practices and products to boost our overall wellness without over-complicating things. This tiny ally from Wooden Spoon Herbs is the perfect pocket-sized companion to keep on hand for those moments of distress and overwhelming news. Comprised of Holy Basil, Skull Cap, Oat Tops, and even more herb friends, this tincture is designed to be taken daily for continual support during trying times.

Truthfully, the real magic happens when self-caretools combine with self-careactions like consistency, fresh air, and community service. These are just a few of my favorite grounding and anxiety-combating products, but be sure to check outour full list of 'Wellness' wonders to help you feel like your most nourished self!
P.S. To our loyal Shop Good community, we want to give a big thank you. -- Because of you and so many others, there was record breaking voter turnout across the country. Here's to better days ahead.
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