The connection is real. Countless studies have shown a significant correlation between gastrointestinal health and skin homeostasis.
Let's break down how...
Our gut microbiome is a vast collection of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. When this ecosystem is thrown out of balance, (due to emotional stress, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances or excess sugar intake) pathways regulating cellular turnover and barrier integrity can be interrupted, ultimately leading to overactive sebaceous glands (hi, acne), impaired barrier function (hello, dryness or premature aging) or inflammation (welcome, chronic skin conditions).
TLDR: Our skin can be a great barometer for what's going on inside the body. So, what are easy + daily ways can we tend to this intimate relationship between our gut and skin?
Seeking a lit-from-within glow...
PROBIOTICS, PLEASE / Ora Organics - 'Trust Your Gut'
A quality probiotic is key to restoring an unbalanced gut and supporting skin from within. Repopulating *good* bacteria in the gut can help to ward off the "bad" guys and reestablish balance in our gut flora. A good daily 'pro B' may help to reduce skin inflammation, manage acne, improve digestion and even keep chronic skin conditions like rosacea or psoriasis at bay!

GET YOUR GREENS / The Beauty Chef - 'Cleanse'
Balance any summer indulgence + fun with this effortless way to make sure to get your dark leafies in (think: spinach! chard!), healthy fats (like chia seeds + coconut oil) fermented fruits, essential amino acids and digestive enzymes. Yep, it's all in here! Mix 'Cleanse' with filtered water or blend into your AM smoothie for a sweet treat.

SAY "SEE YA" TO STRESS / Honeybelle - 'Facial Gua Sha'
Combat chronic stress (which can damage the skin’s protective antimicrobial barrier, alter our gut microflora + contribute to systemic inflammation). This facial tool is a perfect way to encourage moments of pause at the end of your way, with added benefits of reducing fine lines, toning skin's muscles and boosting lymphatic drainage!

BOOK AN LED GUT BOOST / At our North Park + Del Mar spas!
You don’t have to solve this gut-skin puzzle alone. Visit our Holistic Estheticians while gifting your gut a *boost* this month via our exclusive LED Add On. It can boost digestion, support healthy bowel movements and decrease inflammation in the gut. It's the perfect multi-tasking facial add-on for our San Diego friends + visitors!
Have more gut-skin connection Q's? Book a facial with our Holistic Estheticians!