Today, our amazing and devoted Shop Good team members open up and share the ways they're prioritizing their mental health while combatting worried thoughts during these uncertain and stressful times - with the hopes of keeping us connected, now more than ever.
Miranda, Product Expert
My mental health is the first place that will take a huge hit during times of uncertainty and then it will hinder my spiritual, emotional, and physical health. It has been absolutely imperative that I create daily rituals I can follow through with to keep my mind from running amok. This means 1. Meditating daily for at least 10-15 minutes on the Headspace app. 2. I am always trying to bring the outside in and as a lover of herbs, I have been trying out new tea blends on the daily (adding Juniper Berry to each one which are a great source of Vitamin C). 3. Taking my supplements every. single. morning. Moon Juice's SuperHair does so much more for me than just helping my hair health (the cherry on top), the adaptogens of Ashwagandha and Ginseng are helping to balance stress and the bioactive multi-vitamins provide so many nutritive benefits for overall health. 4. Solo dance parties!!
Nikki, Product Expert
With everything going on recently, I’ve been feeling a mix of anxiety and fear. I try not to let myself think too much about the unknown, but my mind often takes me to the “worst case” scenarios and I spiral from there. While I’m trying to take this time to practice more self-care: hot baths, cleaning, organizing, binge watching, reading, etc… I’m also trying to keep my stress and anxiety levels down when my mind starts to wander. The number 1 thing that helps me is simple: breathing. Like, really B R E A T H I N G. Taking a deep breath (if you have May Lindstrom Blue Cocoon at home, I highly recommend opening that up and inhaling deeply to get the therapeutic & calming benefits of the blue tansy). I then remind myself that everything is OK, and take a minute to pause and really let that settle in. I try to remember that although what is happening may be out of my control, there is so much I do have control over and I try to focus on that. Then of course, I throw on my favorite face mask, make my favorite Moon Juice Cosmic Gold & Beauty Dust latte - and enjoy this time to sit on my couch and just breathe.
Ashley, Lead Holistic Esthetician + Assistant Store Manager
In the midst of this pandemic, I had to give myself a reality check (real quick) that it is going to be okay to just be. So before I let myself slip into the mess that is being overly anxious and stressed, I acknowledged within myself that I needed to be at my best to allow these days, weeks to unravel as they come. Prioritizing my mind and body while now spending the majority of my time at home has been of the utmost importance. Here are a few things I have been doing to keep myself centered:
- unplug more so than not: keep up with the updates, laugh at the memes, but don't allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole that is social media.
- keep moving: continue supporting your favorite yoga studio or gym and tune in to any classes they are offering online. enjoy being outdoors (when this SD weather permits these days) and go on walks, watch the sunset, enjoy everything that nature has to offer. I know our two dogs are hoping this quarantine never ends...
- stay busy: I am currently rotating between 1 podcast, 2 books, 1 puzzle, and of course, movies galore. Take advantage of the time you're able to spend cooped up with your loved ones and continue to reach out to those afar now more than ever..i’m as grateful as ever.
We can all create positive outcomes from negative circumstances - let’s utilize this time to truly pause and reflect, so that when all this is said and done, we can emerge from "self distancing" into truly being our best selves. Oh and last thing, don’t feel guilty over that extra glass of wine tonight ;)
Leslie, Product Expert
In a time of so much uncertainty, it can be easy to fall into panic and stress. It’s so important to realize that what and who we surround ourselves with can completely change our outlook. If you’re stuck at home right now and feeling blue, try turning off the news for a bit & showing yourself some self-care love! I’ve been facing some breakouts (hello, probably the stress of what is going on!), and the May Lindstrom Problem Solver face mask has been saving my skin. My favorite ritual is to apply the mask and enjoy its benefits while sipping a warm cup of tea. Taking this 30 minutes to myself to get grounded and reflect completely shifts my mood. That, and puppy snuggles of course!
Lauren, Holistic Esthetician
Amidst all of this uncertainty, I’ve found it very necessary for me to move my body and to get outside at least once a day to not only keep up my physical health, but mental as well. Being in nature helps calm my nervous system and feel grounded while staying active helps stop my monkey mind from racing. I feel very grateful that during this time, I am able to savor slow living by doing activities like playing board games, baking, reading, watching a movie, and spending some great quality time with my man. Sending lots of love and healing energy to our community and nation right now, with the hope that others may do the same.
Juana, General Manager + Director of Marketing
Finding a way to cope with the uncertainty these past few days has been challenging, (especially since I’m usually the type to push through + ignore stress). I’ve been focusing on raising my vibrations by dedicating time to support my nervous system, every day.
- Adding Yin Power + Tocos to my morning coffee for an extra dose of nourishment and stress-busting adaptogens.
- Loving up on my lymphatic system to get stagnant energy flowing out of my body, via things like dry brushing, light stretching and sipping on warm lemon water and herbal teas as I work.
- Spending time in nature by way of sunset walks around my lovely Encinitas neighborhood.
Remind yourself that there is still so much beauty left in the world… and things are going to be okay.
Natalie S, Product Expert
What a rollercoaster the last couple of weeks has been — I’m sure a lot of you can relate to the anxiety and confusion that seems to have blended with the air, making each breath a little heavier. Being intentional with my actions and time has been even more important to create a space of peace and calmness.
This has looked different every day, listening to my body and indulging in a warm shower, a luxurious face mask, or going to bed an hour early. Most of all, constant gratitude has been a powerful tool to exhale anxious thoughts. Taking moments to be in awe of the outpouring of support I’ve witnessed within both physical and digital communities, and imagining what positive things might come from this collective opportunity to slow down, have been helpful in easing both my mind and body.
Alexa, Product Expert
I don't know about you, but routine is SO important to me. Feeling out of control of our day to day can be frustrating and cause anxiety, but it doesn't have to. Here are a few things I've been trying to commit to each day to help me stay at peace & not anxious: 1) meditation - it doesn't have to be long. Just a few minutes each day can help significantly. 2) stretching or at home workouts --- this is a big one. Finding time each day to move your body can lift your spirits and keep your body healthy. Light yoga has been my practice of choice! 3) getting ready for the day, no matter where I am (or not) going. The simple act of getting ourselves out of PJs or doing our hair (even if we're just staying home!) can help us feel ready for whatever is to come. We don't know what tomorrow holds, so lets try our best to take it one day at a time & use this time to slow down, breath, and prioritize what matters most.
January, Lead Holistic Esthetician + Spa Marketing Assistant
It's time for all the self care these days... it's been my bread and butter to reduce stress internally, mentally and physically and has been my main focus this last week. I am a morning gal so I like to start my day with meditation and steeping my FAV tea (chamomile,rose,lavender) with a scoop of the Agent Nateur Holi(youth). This magical powder has a combination of holy basil, pearl, spirulina and marine collagen. Giving your body this powerful blend helps support vibrant health from the inside out. Also I will always make time for some face workouts (gua sha + jade rolling) to help bring blood flow to my skin and leave me feeling renewed and awake!
Natalie W, Product Expert
In this interesting time, giving gratitude for the people I care about in my life, along with practicing self care have been extremely helpful for some current anxiety. I have been enjoying playing around with feng shui, as well as organizing drawers and cabinets, allowing for some more positive space in my apartment! Finding new recipes and cooking them up has been nourishing for my body as well as my mind. Buddha bowls have been my favorite so far! I'm lucky enough to live by the beach so taking walks and spending time by the water has been extremely calming and become a daily activity. And of course trying some new masks (today was Tata Harper's Resurfacing Mask, order for curb side pick up at both locations), picking up a book with some Vitruvi Essential Oils going have made for some relaxing mornings. :)
Christina, Product Expert
During these uncertain times, it is so important for me to keep a sense of normalcy in my routine by waking up at the same time everyday and having a regular schedule. I like to start my morning with a cup of coffee mixed with Vital Proteins Collagen and Sun Potion’s Yin Power. Collagen is packed with whole-body health benefits, including hair, skin and nail support, while Sun Potion’s Yin Power is full of adaptogens and herbs such as ashwagandha, shatavari, he shou wu and many more. All of these powerful ingredients work harmoniously to assist with stress relief, mental clarity, and immunity. This morning blend truly helps me feel alert, while keeping my daily stressors at bay. My main takeaway from this experience is that routine is essential to our physical and mental health! When our routine is altered by factors that are out of our control, it is so important that we take the power back and create our own new normal, even if that is as simple as keeping our alarm clocks set and sticking to our morning coffee ritual. Having a morning routine that grounds me has provided me with the energy I need to stay consistent throughout the day!
Madison, Product Expert
Trying my best to make the most out of the current situation by slowing down and appreciating the downtime. To keep my mind stimulated I’ve opted to read rather than Netflix binge! I just started Normal People by Sally Rooney and I absolutely love it. Adding a mask the mix doesn’t hurt either! May Lindstrom's Problem Solver has been my go-to for its brightening + stimulating formula... plus the aromatherapy benefits have really helped ease my worried thoughts.
Leah, Founder + Owner
Not going to lie, this has been one of the greatest mental challenges of my life. Being a business owner and 30 weeks pregnant during these times -- I am feeling the pressure. I want to share a mantra that my amazing prenatal chiropractor shared with me this week. I've been singing it the past few days and it's helped to lighten my worry, anxiety and fear of the unknown as I approach motherhood and seek strength to keep Shop Good going strong: "Every little cell in my body is healthy! Every little cell in my body is well! I'm so glad, every little cell in my body is well!" There's a tune that goes along with it -- I don't know the source but google it and you may be able to find! Aside from mantras, deep breaths and my amazing husband, family and friends providing me wit the encouragement I need... it's really the women of the Shop Good team that keep me passionate and positive about whatever is ahead! I love these women and please join me in thanking them for their determination and commitment to our customers (you!) and to this business. My heart is so full.
We'd love to hear from you. How are you finding moments of calm, connection and care during this time?