THIS JUST IN: New Store!
The Blog
THIS JUST IN, FROM OUR FOUNDER, LEAH! A happy and long-awaited surprise announcement this Friday morning; I am so pumped to finally share that we will be relocating our North Park Shop into a larger, newer and OH-SO gorgeous space in order to keep up with our growing team, growing assortment and growing community. I opened our first store in North Park in October of 2017 with a goal to create a community space that inspired new (and fun!) ways to take care of ourselves. It was the space I always wished I had access to when I was sick. And today, it’s a space that exists largely because of our hard working team and all of your unwavering support over the years. So, in early 2022, I get to say ‘THANK YOU’ with super-fresh paint, longer skincare counters, two (yes, TWO!) spa rooms and a refreshed store design as we open our new double doors... just right around the corner from where it all began. Get excited for lots of #BTS moments as we build out our special new home. I am so excited to share this exciting next chapter at Shop Good with all of you. Love,