The 411 on Flower Essences

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Getting cozy in October's theme of 'Super Rituals'?  It's here to help you make transformational self-care more accessible and simplified. (Psst, and more fun, too!)  Yeah, we can fill your IG feed and ears with stress-busting tips and quick self-care tricks all day long. But wouldn't it be nice to have a reliable tool, in the palm of your hand, to get the job done?
With #superrituals in mind, Shop Good was on the hunt to find a credible, impactful and effortless remedy to add to our wellness walls. And we're freaking out over here, because not only did we find it, but we had the honor of working closely with Jessi Agadoni, founder ofMerfleur Wellness , to co-create it.
Introducing,Press Pause , our first and only Floral Essence to decorate our shop's shelves, and now, on just about every nightstand and in every day bag belonging to our Shop Good team. (It's just that incredible.)
In prep for our big launch, we sat down with Jessi to learn more about Floral Essences and why they'rethe effortless wellness tool to find calm within our busy lives.1. Okay, what is a "flower essence”? How is it made?
A flower essence is the energetic patterning of a wildflower preserved and bottled for individual use or to be combined with other essences into a flower remedy. There are a few ways to make them, depending on the plant, but I’ll speak to one of the original methods established by Dr. Edward Bach. The fresh flowers are gently harvested from their natural location of growth at peak bloom. On a clear sunny day, a delicate glass bowl is filled with fresh spring water and the blooms are placed on top of the water until the surface is covered. As the rays of sun interact with the blooms, the water receives the energetic transfer and retains the pattern. The blooms are removed with care as soon as they begin to wilt. The remaining water is then preserved with the assistance of grape brandy to create the mother tincture. The individual essences are created from this and most often added to a remedy to be taken sublingually every day.  2. How does a "flower essence" work with the body?
Great question! I know this can be the part that feels unfamiliar as most of us do not often use or interact with energetic remedies. To put it simply, each flower essence carries a specific message, also known as energetic patterning, that gently encourages our thought patterns and consecutive emotions towards balance. There are very specific essences for every variety of state, such as anxiety, apathy, indecision, self-critique, lack of boundaries, depression, exhaustion, mental blocks and more. For a quick example, say you cannot see past your present weight or skin condition to truly feel valuable, I would recommend the essence crab apple or a remedy with this and other essences to speak the origin of these feelings and any other contributing factors.
Once you are taking an essence or a formulated remedy, you will begin to reprocess thought-patterns and ‘climb the mountain’, as I like to call it. Some may reach the peak of the mountain right away and feel the rebalance quickly, while others may take a week or more to feel the full effect. There is also the consideration of whether you are addressing a more foundational pattern, such as a fear from childhood, or a situational stressor, such as an upcoming presentation. The foundational may take continued essence support for a much longer period, due to the depth of the patterning.
Ultimately, once you reach the peak of your journey and begin to enjoy the descending flow you will feel like yourself again, perhaps for the first time in years. The rebalance is so authentic and subtle that often it takes finishing the remedy and no longer having its support before you truly notice the depth of the shift! Many of my clients tell me in the first few weeks that they’re not sure if it’s the remedy or if they’re just doing really well, in their flow, feeling content and properly motivated. They often excuse the shift as a sudden wind of good habits or an easier environment. It’s when they hit their third or fourth week of this continued stability that they reach out, amazed at how truly good they still feel! Life can be so sweet when we are living in alignment with our authentic nature.
Dr. Edward Bach, the originator of this method, believed that imbalance in the body began with an imbalance in the personality. When illness developed, he looked to the mental and emotional state of his patients and matched them with one or more of his 38 flowers essences to encourage a return to authenticity and whole health. These essences are powerful and can bring about even more than just daily contentment and happiness.3. What attracted you to the work of flower remedies?
I am quite a little research nerd. I love learning about the body and the mind and all the rest in between, so I am often digging into new or unfamiliar healing methods and one of those research days I came across flower remedies. I was instantly enamored and soon began digging into any information I could find to learn more! Dr. Bach’s argument that illness was truly an imbalance of our authentic nature, resonated on many levels with me. I was at a point in my own healing journey where I was finally acknowledging the impact of my emotions and thought patterns on my body. His position confirmed what I was discovering and from there what I learned from many kind and brilliant present-day mentors only deepened my respect, understanding and love of this gentle method. 
When I opened my practice, Merfleur Wellness, I knew flower remedies had to be an integral part of my approach if I wished to look at every client as a whole individual. Flower remedies are often new to my clients and it’s my favorite part of my work to introduce them to this therapy! I’ve found the remedies to be incredibly impactful on their own, but when paired with effective and customized nutritional protocols the shifts I see in clients (and myself!) are deeper and offer greater freedom. I cannot share enough about this beautiful genuine therapy!4. How do you know which floral essence or remedy is right for you?
The essence or remedy should be selected in accordance with your present concern. For example, if you cannot fall asleep at night due to racing and whirling thoughts, I would highly recommend white chestnut or a blend of essences that support a calming of the mind and body, along with essences to support the release of the subject of your thoughts.
You can of course learn about each essence and match yourself, but it can be challenging to clearly see yourself or fully understand what’s going on your mind and heart. I highly recommend working with or using a remedy formulated by a practitioner. Through sharing your story and present need, the practitioner, like myself, will be able to narrow down your top essences for a custom or clearly described pre-formulated remedy like Press Pause to make sure you are guided gently back into balance.  5. You've partnered with Shop Good to bring a special flower remedy to our shelves --- SO EXCITING! What makes this co-branded tincture - Press Pause - unique? What inspired this exclusive blend? 
Yes! Press Pause is such a beautiful, balanced and gentle blend of essences! It’s unique because it was inspired and custom-formulated specifically for the Shop Good community! Your brilliant and ever-inspiring Leah came to me because she kept hearing the need for a simple way to pause. You’ve been asking for a way to slow down, honor yourselves and take moments to renew and so we formulated a remedy to do just that! It’s not always easy to switch from full speed to stop and even once you’ve stopped it can feel intimidating to know what to do with the time! This remedy offers an invitation to slow down, stabilize and clear your mind, self-prioritize, rest, and re-enter the world refreshed and ready to go!  Shop Good_Press Pause_9268 6. If you had one piece of advice for the shop good client looking to live more peacefully, what would it be?
Slow down. This was the turning point in my own healing journey, and I cannot recommend it enough. It’s not easy, that I know, but it can be as simple as saying no to one extra thing and choosing to move through your day at a more reasonable pace. It can look like setting your phone in another room after dinner to allow your mind to ease out of its state of continual consumption. It could also be the slowing down of your breathe, choosing to elongate your inhales and exhales. Don't make it complicated. Start with something simple and once you feel you’ve established a solid new pattern, progress to another area.7. This month our Shop Good community is diving into a more ritualized life by exploring all the different ways we can incorporate #superrituals into our daily lives. Small, simplified, and easy practices for a more enhanced life. What is your own personal favorite #SUPERRITUAL?
Oooo there are so many I could share! Right now, I’m pretty obsessed with my nightly breath exercises. This time is short, sweet and simple. I get fully ready for bed, then before I hop in, I head over to a corner in my room, sit on a few folded blankets with my tailbone against the wall, lengthen my spine and breathe. I have a series I walk myself through and it finishes with a beautiful prayer of gratitude that sends me happily into bed ready to see what the next day will bring. I haven’t missed a night this entire month because it de-escalates me so quickly, turns on my calm state, and I’ve made it incredibly authentic to me.

Snag our new exclusive Shop Good x Merfleur Wellness flower remedy - Press Pause - here!


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