Our gut knows best...
Our intutition is like a personal North Star. But, there can be many obstructors that dim its light and in turn, make us lose touch with this trusty inner voice. Today, we asked our team to share how they make space to cultivate and summon their intuition's wisdom for total body connectedness.
Leah, Founder: When things are moving extra fast in life and I feel a disconnect from my gut intuition, my quick and easy practice looks something like this: I'll place one hand on my stomach and one on my forehead. I'll then visualize an illuminated connection from my gut to the top of my head and take 3 deeeep belly breaths. This (usually) instantly brings me back into my body and allows me to feel more grounded and in tune with my gut. Try it out right now - it's pretty magical!
Mallory, Holistic Esthetician: When I feel foggy and disconnected from my gut intuition, I will often sit down and spend 10-15 minutes scribbling a “brain dump” in my journal. It is a great way for me to organize my thoughts, let go of stress/anxiety, and realign my path forward. Taking this time and creating a safe space to release negative energy helps me feel connected to my mind and body again.
Kiana, Product Expert: One way I tap into my gut intuition when things aren’t crystal clear is by making an effort to go on walks near or at the beach. I use this alone time to refresh mentally. On another hand, I have listened to my *literal* gut by navigating my body (especially skin) post birth control + new IUD. I am learning to navigate the skin + gut correlation by nourishing my gut and finding what my body loves.
Devin, Holistic Esthetician: When my gut intuition isn’t clear and my thoughts are spiraling I like to carve out time for myself. Taking the time to write out all my feelings and thoughts while spending time in nature. Going on a hike and being outdoors really grounds me -allowing me to reconnect to my mind, body & spirit.
January, Spa Manager + Lead Holistic Esthetician: The moments I begin to feel my gut intuition becoming unclear and it's difficult to connect with I know I need to take a pause and slow down. My personal favorite practice is centering myself with guided meditation and journaling my thoughts and feelings. This helps me become centered and clear on what my intentions are and bring that focus back in my daily routine.
Nikki, One Paseo Store Manager: I’ve been working on trying to trust my gut + intuition more, as it’s never truly steered me in the wrong direction. It’s hard to trust that what I’m feeling is really the best thing for me sometimes. If I’m really struggling, I’ll flip a coin and see how I feel when it lands. I’ll always know what decision to make based on that outcome. If it’s not as simple as a coin flip, I’ll step away for a moment and take a walk to help clear my mind and tap into my gut feeling.
Emma, Product Expert: If I find myself struggling to connect with my gut intuition, I find that physically removing myself from the environment in which I’m conflicted really helps me to reset. Specifically, going on a walk with my dog around my neighborhood, or down to the beach, is extremely calming. Being outside aids in recentering my intentions and allows me to refocus on my priorities and a healthy decision making process.
Anna, Product Expert: My intuition is sacred to me as it’s my guide through life. I tend to be an emotional intuitive so it’s important to be in space alone with no other energies around me. When i feel disconnected i like to fully unplug and take time for myself to really listen to what my body, spirit and mind is needing. I usually like to reset myself and gather all my thoughts and write them down to gauge where I’m at and from there figure out what the next steps are to guide myself towards the right direction and take into condsideration what the universe is pushing me towards.

Juana, General Manager + Marketing Director + Lead Buyer: When my intuition feels cloudy, I like to refocus my attention inward and release self doubt by spending some time tapping into my feelings. I’ll take a sheet of paper, a few deep breaths, and write down exactly what I’m feeling in the moment. Opening up the space to feel more and think less always helps me reconnect with my intuition!