Welcome to August and Take Good Care at Shop Good.
This month, we're thrilled to be diving into all the ways we can prioritize 'taking good care' of ourselves…specifically, caring for our minds. The current climate of our world continues to challenge our mindset and daily disposition, while our obligations and responsibilities call on us to swallow our anxiousness, fears or frustrations and 'power through'. Almost a quarter of Americans are currently battling a form of depression disorder.* So, how we prioritize our mental health and our consistency in self care absolutely becomes critical path.
To me, 'take good care' means being easy on ourselves; to practice gentle and loving self talk. To relinquish unrealistic expectations of what self care should look like and to tune into what just simply feels *good* + supportive at the moment. It means sending gratitude to our unique journeys + honoring our process, however difficult it may seem. It means surrounding ourselves with people + energies that lift us up.
'Taking good care' might look like a 10 minute warm bath vs a shower at the end of the day. 5 slow + deep belly breaths in the car on the way to work. Spending an afternoon with a close friend. Or indulging in an extra decadent and soothing skincare routine to pre-set the tone for your busy morning ahead.
I’m looking forward to joining in this conversation with you. Our team has planned a robust month, including tips + inspiration for new and accessible self-care rituals, a couple of uplifting + self-loving in-store events, some fabulous new items on our shelves + a general goal of holding space to simply 'be'...and love ourselves for it, no matter what.