Preventative Care
FUR 'Fur Oil'
Soften your hair (anywhere), while smoothing and soothing skin. A quick-drying multipurpose oil to incorporate in your daily routine, especially if you're ingrown-prone.
in-the-moment care
Toss the questionable-ingredient lube + reach for Holi(Sex) for the perfect amount of slip (thanks to ingredients like Coconut oil, rose + jasmine oils). Psst.. it offers anti-fungal, + antibacterial properties too. Win-win!
after care
This balm-to-oil salve combats vulvo-vaginal dryness, itching, and irritation. Plus it even helps soothe yeast infection discomfort! A dime-sized amount daily will help keep your skin's natural moisture barrier protected from outside stressors.
Have more skincare Q's? Book a facial with our Holistic Estheticians!