This year at Shop Good, my goal is to show up for you differently than in years past. Yes, Shop Good is a clean beauty and skincare boutique - and it is so fun to celebrate the amazing products we offer! But these fabulous ‘beauty and ‘skincare products’ can be seen merely as material tools to address and nourish deeper corners of your life. This year we want to dive into those corners, even more deeply and unapologetically. And as we close a month of conversation around hormone health and all the ups and downs that come with our hormonal journeys, we pull back the curtains on another extra special topic. This month’s conversation shines light onto a constant battle many of us may face every time we look in the mirror. I’m talking about: the way we feel about our skin. One of the most difficult aspects of my health journey was the severe skin issues that I experienced for years on end. From dry, itchy patches around my eyes, elbows and on my stomach + back... to the cystic acne pustules, discoloration, thinning and long-term pigmentation/scarring on my face. On top of feeling so crummy, I was embarrassed and ashamed of my skin. My frustration didn’t help my chronic state of stress - which in turn, kept my internal inflammation high. You know how that cycle plays out... leading to more dis-ease in the body. What I wish that I knew back then that I know now? My skin did not... and does not define me. Rather, it serves me by protecting, regulating, expelling, absorbing and sensing. It tells me when my body is asking for more or less of something. My skin is meant to move and stretch with age. And it's 100% mine - unique from any other human’s skin out there. So this month, we’re ditching the societal expectations of what ‘good skin’ is supposed to look like or feel like. We’re shedding the pressure mainstream media puts on us to have tight pores or zero lines. Social media filters blur out what we are all actually yearning for - the ability to talk about (and show) real skin... and accept our skin exactly where it is. You are officially invited to LOVE your skin, whatever stage, journey or process it is in. Welcome to SKIN POSITIVE at Shop Good. Instead of chasing after “perfect” skin, we’ll focus on the skin’s natural functions and how to nourish and support it, rather than strip or correct it. We’ll share simple ways to bolster your connection with your skin and to get to know your skin better than ever before. We’ll break down common skin care misconceptions and myths - and ensure you have the tools to decode and give what your skin actually needs - not what skincare marketers tell you it needs. And we’ll share real skin stories from our team, from our brand founders and straight from you. Plus - ‘Spa Night In’ is BACK and we’ll be leaning into rituals that pamper, love and send gratitude to our skin. As a person who has struggled to find confidence in her skin for years (and still battles with this today!), I am personally so excited to open up and partake in this month’s conversation. Because, what I really wish I had back then is a community to collectively share with others... so that I could feel less alone in my skin and wellness journey. I hope that you find safety, community and strength in this month’s theme, and more importantly, have FUN celebrating the skin we are in! xo
Skin Positive: March at Shop Good!
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