Happy Holidays, Clean Beauty! Although the festive season undoubtedly looks very different this year than ever before, we've asked the Shop Good Team keep up our yearly tradition and to share two notes with us: what they're grateful for in 2020 despite all the ups, downs, and in betweens + what they're wishing for in the year ahead.
Read on for a dose of gratitude and hope from the #ShopGoodGang!
One Gratitude, One Wish
Annalysa, Product Expert // One Gratitude: I am most grateful for the birth of my niece/goddaughter, Isabella Marie, during the peak of quarantine. When everything was scary and lonely, her birth was the light during a time of darkness for our family. She's 5 months old now and brings joy to us each and every day. One Wish: My wish for the year ahead is to go to school to become a holistic esthetician!
Anita, Product Expert // One Gratitude: One thing I’m most grateful for this year is my strong support system of close family and friends! One Wish: My one wish for 2021 is a healthier and happier new year...and to be able to travel somewhere fun (safely of course)!
Ashley, Lead Holistic Esthetician + North Park Assistant Store Manager // One Gratitude: This year I am grateful for so many things. My health, my family (near + far), and for my partner and dogs that make any day a great one. This year has really put into perspective how blessed I am with what’s simply around me, and for that I am incredibly grateful. One Wish: My wish is for more positivity, more hope, and more love as a whole. We need it now more than ever. Don’t hesitate to do something kind for a stranger, don’t forget to FaceTime your grandma, and please never forget to have empathy.
Culli, Product Expert // One Gratitude: I am especially grateful for my most handsome, adoring fiance, Miguel, and our sweet baby Pug, HoneyButterBaconBiscuit, A.K.A Biscuit.
One Wish: My wish for the next year is that I get to see my family in a safe setting and get to travel again.
Emily, Digital Media Coordinator // One Gratitude: I am especially thankful for my human support system. This year was extremely tough in a variety of unexpected ways, but I feel so so lucky and grateful for my partner, my sisters, my parents and my friends who all kept me feeling safe, loved, capable and understood.
One Wish: Probably cliche, but my wish for the upcoming year is for all my loved ones to keep healthy. I’m looking forward to spending a lot more time with my people and soaking up every bit of mindfulness and presence that I can.
January, Lead Holistic Esthetician + Spa Marketing Assistant Manager // One Gratitude: This year has been a roller coaster, but filled with silver linings that has brought me closer to family, friends, and of course, the SG gang. There has been a lot of change this year that has brought us to uncomfortable places, but reveals our strength and power. I am thankful for the simple things in life and witnessing grace with others.
One Wish: My biggest wish is health! Feeling my best self and for everyone to continue to DREAM BIG for the year ahead.
Juana, General Manager + Director of Marketing // One Gratitude: As this year comes to an end, I’m feeling deeply grateful for the health and wellbeing of my loved ones. I feel so lucky to have had my partner, Patrick by my side through it all. Lastly, I’m grateful for the messages of resilience + hope this year brought along with it.
One Wish: This coming year, I wish for more in-person moments with friends + family. Having my family on the East Coast and not being able to see them as often as I’m used to was difficult this year. I’m looking forward to making up for that in 2021!
Katrina, Holistic Esthetician // One Gratitude: I am so grateful to be working with such an amazing team of women! The level of professionalism that Leah has created by hiring such positive and passionate employees has made being a part of the Shop Good family a dream come true.
One Wish: I wish that in this coming year we all feel safe to be able to enjoy the company of our friends and family again. To look forward to getting on an airplane and exploring the world. To sing and dance with one another at a music concert (or even a dance class). To celebrate life’s special moments together with peace and comfort in our hearts.
Lauren, Holistic Esthetician // One Gratitude: Ah, 2020 - what a whirlwind! Among all the not so great times, I am grateful for SO many good things that happened this year. Starting off, my now *fiance* Tim + all of the love (and lots of ups + downs) we've shared this year, the support of my friends and family, and endless laughter + hair pulling from our crazy (pschyo) Aussie pup Rocky B, completing my little family.
One Wish: One wish I have for the year to come is, as always, find more balance in peace + nature. To adventure more, to show more love, to breathe more, and for a healthy 2021!
Leah, Founder + Owner // One Gratitude: First and foremost I am grateful for becoming a mom to my beautiful baby girl this past year. I’m also so grateful for the outpour of support for small businesses during this rollercoaster of a year. While the twists and turns of 2020 weren't ideal, I have never been so in awe of the encouragement and support from the San Diego community and beyond. Shop Good wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Really!
One Wish: My wish for the coming year is health for all. If we can guide our daily actions with the best interest of our health and the health of others, especially those minority groups that are disproportionately affected by the pandemic, we will be able to powerfully and collectively move towards a healthier and safer environment and return into the arms of our loved ones!
Mallory, Holistic Esthetician // One Gratitude: I am thankful to not only be back to work, but to love the work I am doing. Moving to California just before Covid hit left a vacancy in my professional life - a vacancy that is now happily filled by Shop Good! It has been a true dream feeling fulfilled in the professional space and growing a clientele here in San Diego. I am happy to be here and happy that SoCal has allowed the industry to remain open so I may nurture so many beautiful souls.
One Wish: My biggest personal wish for the year to come is for my partner and I to feel settled and acclimated here in San Diego. It has been quite the journey adjusting to new surroundings during a global pandemic. We both have high hopes to acclimate to our surroundings and (safely) make new friends! It is a process, but we know San Diego will be a long-term home for us and we hope to continue laying a foundation here.
Miranda, Product Expert // One Gratitude: I’m grateful for how much quality time I have been able to spend with my parents and other loved ones this year.
One Wish: I wish that the year ahead is filled with positive news, hope, and love.
Natalie, Product Expert // One Gratitude: I am so deeply grateful for friends and family who support me and who I feel so loved by. Moving past the slightly obvious, I am so grateful to live in a world where mental and emotional health has seen so much more acceptance and positive attention. I am grateful to be part of a community that gives time and energy to creating better versions of ourselves. And last but not least, I am grateful to have a mostly healthy body that has been through a lot but has also done so much for me <3
One Wish: For the future, I hope that as a collective we can start to see more inclusion, more understanding and more coming together. Personally, I am hopeful that I can continue finding a balance with all the things I find important in my life. I hope that with the inevitable ups and downs I can always find my way back up and come out a little stronger and happier than the time before! I hope that we can all learn from our past and bring a new sense of awareness to the present moment.
Nikki, One Paseo Assistant Store Manager // One Gratitude: I’m grateful for my health, and the health of my family and loved ones. If this year has shown me one thing, it’s not to take good health for granted.
One Wish: My wish for the year ahead, is not just for things to return to normal, but for the small lessons we all learned through this tough year to stick. I hope everyone continues with their self-care. I hope everyone continues to take a step back and breathe. I hope everyone continues to cherish special moments at home with their family. This has not been an easy year, but it’s forced most of us to slow down and look at our lives through a new lens.
Stephanie, Product Expert // One Gratitude: This year I'm so thankful for my health and the health of my loved ones. I'm grateful to have the best support system (my family, boyfriend, friends).
One Wish: My wish for the year ahead is to be part of creating a safer, kinder environment for everyone in the world we live in.
We know on many levels how difficult this year has been for so many, and the upcoming season is no exception. Within all of these individual gratitudes and wishes is our biggest gratitude and wish of all: we are
thankful for you and we wish that you are able to t
reat yourself with kindness + love this holiday season while looking towards the future with hope.
Happy Holidays,
from the #ShopGoodGang