You’re on the go-go-go and can mayyybe nab just a few minutes of time to yourself as you hustle through your day. But remember, whether it's a 30-minute or 30-second #selfceremony, we're calling it a w-i-n.
Keep scrolling for some *effortless* desk-side ceremonies for your busy day.
Go on, send yourself some love + kindness…
Quick Ceremonies—

SCREEN TIME SAFETY / Ilia 'Blue Light Mist'
Not only does this ultra-fine mist protect your barrier from harsh blue light and pollutants, it also sets makeup and provides hydration when your skin needs a pick-me-up! Perfect for those mid-week deadline stresses with its subtle scent of lavender to ground yourself during the day. Keep it desk-side for a quick spritz.

ENERGY INCOMING / Moon Juice 'Ting'
Mid-day slump? A quick mix of Ting will give you an energy boost for you to finish out the day. This non-stim drink mix is full of B Vitamins to help kick your energy, metabolism, and mood into high gear. Add a spoonful to a cold glass of water for a slightly sweet mango-y drink.

Spot-treat or slather on your entire face— however you use it, this potent blend of plant based ingredients will leave your skin feeling refined but never tight or dry. A detoxifying and reparative blend of Bentonite Clay, Irish Moss, and Activated Charcoal means this mask works overtime so you never have to.

READY FOR RELAXATION / Osea 'Vagus Nerve Oil'
Reset your Vagus Nerve with a pump of this oil. Feeling tightness in the chest or like you can't regulate your stress? This blend of essential oils helps promote a sense of well being and brings you a moment of relaxation. Work the oil into your hands and inhale deeply for a total reset.
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