Define Self Care: September at Shop Good!
The Blog
A letter from our Founder, Leah:It’s been awhile, Shop Good family! Through the twists and turns that 2020 has brought, we can’t thank you enough for sticking with us. We wouldn’t be here, announcing our newest THEME of the month (omg!) if it weren’t for you showing up for Shop Good, remaining passionate about clean ingredients and honoring yourself with ultimate self care. About that self care. Amidst this shuffling of life that’s occurred, what does it mean to you right now? Does practicing self care look different than it did seven months ago? Whether you’ve been working from home… or out of a job... Whether you were suddenly asked to become a teacher, babysitter or sole caretaker of your kids... or if you’ve spent time and energy learning, unlearning or fighting for social justice... we sure have asked our bodies, minds and spirits to show up for us like never before. However you nudge yourself forward or send yourself love, the beauty of it is there’s no right or wrong way to practice self care. The way you define self care should be as unique as YOU. So during the month of September at Shop Good, we’re out to champion not what self care means to us or what we think it should look like. Nope. Instead, we’re inviting you to harness your own strength and power to define it yourself. Go ahead, fill in the blank! Self care means: ______________. Welcome to ‘Define Self Care’ at Shop Good. Right now, self care, to me, is a 5-minute shower while my 4-month old naps. It means applying juuuust a ‘lil makeup (a quick swipe of RMS red and pats of Kosas Reveal Concealer under the eyes!) even though I’m not leaving the house. It means stretching my sore breastfeeding muscles for a few moments in dimmed lights before bed. What about you? Is it making yourself breakfast vs skipping it? Is it a nightly skincare ritual... or… simply washing your face just 1x a day? Maybe your recent self care win means popping outside and getting sunlight on your eyes for a minute, getting a Shop Good facial, making a donation, or taking a few deep breaths to ground your mind after scrolling through the difficult-to-digest news. Whatever it is. However you define it. We invite you to participate in this month’s conversation. Of course, we’ll be sharing a little inspiration along the way, too. We’ll provide thought-provoking prompts and recommend some of our favorite wellness tools to support - the new and the tried and true. Our events (yes, events!) will focus on the most sought after self care solutions for stressed skin and a stressed mind. Check our classes out below, we’re jumping for joy! And we’ll ask you to share directly, too. We’re officially accepting your Instagram stories consisting of 15-30 seconds, briefly answering our question of the hour: What does self care mean to you? DM them to us. We’ll post them, tag ya and hashtag #defineselfcare! However you’re working to get by, to stay healthy and safe, or to say ‘I love you’ to you, we’re here to assure you: you’re doing it well! I believe it’s our collective, loving energy in the acts of self care that can send the healing vibration we need to all corners of our world. We can’t wait to hear from you, reconnect, care for ourselves and care for each other this month. See you soon. Xo