It is surreal to be writing an introduction to our FIFTH month of October as a business. This month, I am honored, ecstatic and very much in awe that we will be celebrating our fifth birthday at Shop Good.
While this cues a sizable celebration to commence (ohh yes, our team is in major party planning mode!), for me as the owner, it also elicits a myriad of emotions, drums up a cyclone of memories, and instills a sense of accomplishment and pride that I didn't know existed until now.
When deciding whether to open Shop Good five and a half years ago, I remember questioning myself, “Do I really have what it takes to run an actual business? A place that opens and closes every day, employs people and needs to hit actual sales goals??” Truthfully, while it seemed right in line with my passions and my calling in life, I definitely didn’t know if I had it in me. But with the encouragement of friends, family and local business owner pals, I dove in… and simply focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
Fast forward those baby steps to October 2022 and we’ve weathered a government shutdown, a once in a generation global pandemic, political and social unrest, a looming recession and lots more. And for a small, family owned retailer, never backed by any investors, truthfully… my experience hasn’t been for the faintest of hearts.
My heart, soul and livelihood reside in this business. My responsibilities run deep, employing upwards of 20+ individuals and making impactful business decisions each day. My ability to care for myself and the sacrifices I have been called to make in my personal life have been sizable, too.
But Shop Good is here, 5 years in, and stronger than ever. Despite all the challenges I never expected to face, Shop Good has built a home. A community. A movement here in San Diego, and beyond. We’ve invited you in for hundreds of events, sent thousands of natural products out our doors and onto your counters and created careers for dozens of insanely talented beauty + skincare connoisseurs and industry leaders. My greatest hope? That over the past 5 years, we’ve continued to create a safe and inclusive space for all to learn how to take better care of ourselves, so we can feel our very best, and simply have more fun while doing so.
This journey has only been possible because of YOU. Your decision to continue supporting us during our lowest and highest moments has enabled us to grow, encouraged us to keep working towards our mission and made our shops (in-person and virtually) a generally fabulous place to be.
Stay tuned for more from me and our amazing team all month long - looking back over the years (we’ll probably get more sentimental on ya), more behind the scenes, more of our team’s favorite S/G memories... and a VERY important Save The Date, you won’t want to miss.
Cheers to Five Years. Cheers to YOU. Welcome to October as we celebrate *all things good* at Shop Good.