The nighttime routine in Beauty World is usually about cleansing, paring down, and taking off the glam you dolloped on for the day. But deep in the depths of moonlight lies a missed opportunity for loving on your skin and creating your freshest face yet!
And maybe you've jumped aboard the mask bandwagon already (it's a fun one and we all have glowing skin to prove it!), but you don't know how to decipher which mask does what for when. We've paired our top picks with a buzzword to capture it sje ne sais quoi and to have you slathering on the right goodie at the right time.
It's a date: you, 15 minutes, and a deliciously clean and healing mask that will take your skin from blah to bam!
BRIGHTENING/ H is For Love, Propolis Regenerative Face Mask
Feel like royalty with precious superfoods that will uplift, enliven and boost the collagen in your skin. We swoon for camu camu, one of nature's highest sources of vitamin C and paired with French green clay, Kaolin clay and white turmeric (major!), we turn to this indulgent mask weekly because of its transformative properties.
MOISTURIZING/ Wildcare, Soft Focus Coconut Milk Mask
Think of the most luscious, frothy coconut latte you can dream up, and you may have a vague idea of the decadent Wildcare mask offers. Standout ingredients like coconut milk powder, iridescent pearl (we're BIG fans of this beauty food), and pineapple extract will have your skin escaping to a summer night's dream.
SOOTHING/ Botnia, Kale Face Mask
By utilizing indulgent ingredients like colloidal oatmeal and anti-inflammatory kale, we always feel like we've honored our body oh-so-well with this amazing mask. There is nothing Justine Kahn cannot whip up to heal what ails you, and she is kind enough to offer up her services with lovers of Good Life! For details, check here! She can truly be your very own, personal skin consultant, and the mask is just one shining example of how pure, treatment-oriented products can help you achieve your most stunning skin yet!
REJUVENATING/ Wildcare, Bee Rosy Exfoliating Mask
Bee pollen is an extraordinary resource that is incredibly anti-inflammatory, but it often comes at an environmental cost. When it comes to the ethos of Wildcare, they are so attune to nature that they mindfully harvest this potent superfood. This, alongside the evocative and healing rosehips, hibiscus and organic yogurt, bee rosy exfoliating clay is an expert at sloughing off the dead cells and revitalizing your skin to a warm, vivid glow. You can thank the Rose Kaolin clay for important minerals like silica and magnesium, and a glowing complexion.
A Mask for Every Mood
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